For more than 20 years, we have been accompanying the digitalisation of mobile salesforce. 19 years ago, the basic tool was not even the email, unable to transfer the heavy attachments but the CD-ROM. Burning, sending, copying on the laptops (sometimes not even), it was the golden age of silicium IT. Then the email became proeminent, when people knew how to optimize the weight of their files, a specific art that most headquarters did not master (and sometimes still do not). On the field, a lot of files, different versions, changed, corrected, stored in files and sometimes left in emails…
During our missions audits that we do before starting a project, we systematically assess the volume of the dataflow between headquarters and the salesforce. Norms and bet practices do exist, but are seldom respected. No email will manage files versions, especially if they are to be modified by the sales rep, even less if they are not supposed to be changed: the data organization is a miror of the company’s philosophy and organization.
We have therefore developed the sales pitch book TilBoard™ to answer this specific and vital productivity issue: a coherent dataflow between headquarters and sales reps, always have the correct, up-to-date data at the right time at the moment you need it. It’s a guarantee for huge productivity gains and shared learning among the team. No more “yes it was in Patrick’s email 3 weeks ago, you did not receive it?” but “the promotions planning per retailer is available with all up-to-date promotions and their statuses in the Promotions section.”
And this structuration is dedicated to each client. TilBoard™ dos not impose a structure and we help you design the most optimal data organization for a sales rep on the field. Ask us for a demo!