CRM integration
Integrate your CRM to your global consent database
CRM integration
Upload of consents (cookies, newsletters...) and download to the communication tools (newsletter, IA services...)
Global consent platform
One global tool to register all consents from all sites, apps, events...
Global consent platform
Collect consents from all users everywhere in one single database for a powerful exploitation
GDPR Compliance
Make sure that tools, methodologies and processes are accurate and active
GDPR Compliance
Tools are one thing but GDPR implies to have human resources and procedures to correctly exploit them
Ensure a lawful exploitation of personal data
Installing the global consent collecting tools and interface them with your CRM and communication systems
Training of Data owner, Data Protection Officer and Data operators
Implementing tools and methodologies to protect data confidentiality
Mise en place et suivi des règles, outils et de l'organisation nécessaires à la suppression des données personnelles